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Common Pitfalls

There are a few pitfalls that are commonly encountered when first getting started with Celerity.

Incorrectly Specified Range Mappers

Celerity requires range mappers to be specified on every accessor definition in order to maintain data coherence across the cluster. When a kernel exhibits a complex data access pattern, two core requirements are easy to violate from user code – even when using Celerity's built-in range mappers.

Out-Of-Bounds Accesses

A work item item must never access the buffer outside the range of range_mapper(chunk), where chunk is any chunk of the iteration space that contains item:

// INCORRECT example: access pattern inside the kernel does not follow the range mapper
celerity::buffer<float, 1> buf({256});
celerity::distr_queue().submit([&](celerity::handler &cgh) {
celerity::accessor acc(buf, cgh, celerity::access::one_to_one(), celerity::read_write);
cgh.parallel_for(celerity::range<1>(128), [=](celerity::item<1> item) {
// OUT-OF-BOUNDS ACCESS: `one_to_one` means `item` must only access `acc[item]`
acc[item] += acc[item.get_id(0) + 128];

Out-of-bounds accesses can be detected at runtime by enabling the CELERITY_ACCESSOR_BOUNDARY_CHECK CMake option at the cost of some runtime overhead (enabled by default in debug builds).

Overlapping Writes

Range mappers for write_only or read_write accessors must never produce overlapping buffer ranges for non-overlapping chunks of the iteration space.

A likely beginner mistake is to violate the second constraint when implementing a stencil code. The first intuition might be to operate on a single buffer using a read_write accessor together with a neighborhood range mapper like so:

// INCORRECT stencil example
celerity::distr_queue q;
celerity::buffer<float, 2> buf({256, 256});
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
q.submit([&](celerity::handler &cgh) {
// ILLEGAL RANGE MAPPER: `neighborhood` can not be used on a writing access
celerity::accessor acc(buf, cgh, celerity::access::neighborhood(1, 1),
cgh.parallel_for(buf.get_range(), [=](celerity::item<1> item) {
acc[item] = acc[...] + acc[...] + /* ... stencil code */;

Intstead, these patterns must be implemented using a separate neighborhood read-access and one_to_one write-access on two separate buffers:

// correct stencil code
celerity::distr_queue q;
celerity::buffer<float, 2> input({256, 256});
celerity::buffer<float, 2> output({256, 256}); // double buffering
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
q.submit([&](celerity::handler &cgh) {
celerity::accessor read(input, cgh, celerity::access::neighborhood(1, 1),
celerity::accessor write(output, cgh, celerity::access::one_to_one(),
celerity::write_only, celerity::no_init);
cgh.parallel_for(output.get_range(), [=](celerity::item<2> item) {
write[item] = read[...] + read[...] + /* ... stencil code */;
if (i + 1 < N) std::swap(input, output); // swapping buffers has trivial cost!

Note that this is not just a Celerity limitation, but inherent to the implementation of stencils on GPUs, which must avoid races between reads and writes through a strategy like double-buffering anyway.

None of the all, fixed, neighborhood or slice built-in range mappers can be used for a writing access (unless the kernel only operates on a single work item).

Illegal Reference Captures in Kernel and Host Task Functions

Celerity tasks submitted to the celerity::distr_queue are executed asynchronously at a later point in time. This means that the stack surrounding a command function ("kernel") may have been unwound by the time it is being invoked.

While Celerity and the underlying SYCL implementation will try to detect and prevent certain types of common errors (for example capturing accessors by reference), not all mistakes can be caught reliably.

In particular when using host tasks, it is important to ensure that all values that are captured by reference outlive the task:

int global_variable = 22;

void some_function(celerity::distr_queue& q) {
int local_variable = 42;
q.submit([&](celerity::handler& cgh) {
cgh.host_task([&] {
printf("%d\n", global_variable); // safe, global variable outlives task
printf("%d\n", local_variable); // dangling reference!

Celerity supports APIs that can replace most if not all uses for reference captures. See celerity::distr_queue::fence, celerity::experimental::host_object and celerity::experimental::side_effect.

Diverging Host-Execution on Different Nodes

Each Celerity process that is started as part of a single cluster execution (i.e., using mpirun or similar) must execute the exact same host code (pertaining to any Celerity API interactions). This means that for example something like this is illegal and will result in undefined behavior:

if(rand() > 1337) {
celerity::buffer<float, 2> my_buffer(...);