- all_of_group
- any_of_group
- constrain_split - Constrains the granularity at which a task's global range can b...
- exclusive_scan_over_group
- fence
- for_each_item
- get_buffer_name
- group_barrier
- group_broadcast
- hint
- inclusive_scan_over_group
- init - Initializes the Celerity runtime and instructs it to use a part...
- joint_all_of
- joint_any_of
- joint_exclusive_scan
- joint_inclusive_scan
- joint_none_of
- joint_reduce
- none_of_group
- permute_group_by_xor
- reduce_over_group
- reduction
- select_from_group
- set_buffer_name
- set_task_name
- shift_group_left
- shift_group_right
- add_reduction
- add_requirement
- affinity_cores_available
- all_true
- apply_range_mapper
- apply_region_difference
- apply_string - Helper to pass fmt::formatted strings to Tracy's (pointer, size...
- as
- bind_nd_range_kernel
- bind_simple_kernel
- bounding_box
- box_cast - Boxes can be cast between dimensionalities as long as no inform...
- box_covers
- box_intersection
- box_intersection
- boxes_cast
- boxes_edge_connected
- build_access_list
- build_cmd_access_list
- build_command_dependency_list
- build_reduction_list
- build_task_dependency_list
- can_enable_peer_access
- check_required_device_aspects
- chunk_cast
- clamp_subrange_to_buffer_size
- collect_dissection_lines
- combine_command_graphs
- compute_bounding_box
- connected_subregion_bounding_boxes
- contains
- dependency_style
- detect_overlapping_writes - Determines which overlapping regions appear between write acces...
- dispatch_effective_dims
- dissect_box
- dissect_boxes
- do_overlap
- embed_hydration_id
- enable_peer_access
- erase_if
- escape_for_dot_label - Escapes "<", ">", and "&" with their corresponding HTML escape ...
- extract_hydration_id
- flush - Ensure that all operations previously submitted to the SYCL que...
- for_each_contiguous_chunk - For every contiguous chunk in an nd-copy, invoke `f(byte_offset...
- format_access_log
- format_requirements
- gather_command_graph - Returns the combined command graph of all nodes on node 0, an e...
- get_await_region
- get_buffer_id
- get_buffer_name
- get_cmd_buffer_name
- get_command_label
- get_completed_reductions
- get_current_thread_handle
- get_effective_dims
- get_effective_dims - Returns the smallest dimensionality that the id can be `id_cast...
- get_epoch_action
- get_execution_range
- get_has_local_contribution
- get_host_object_id
- get_host_object_instance
- get_is_reduction_initializer
- get_linear_index
- get_push_range
- get_reduction_id
- get_requirements
- get_simplified_type_name - Fiddles out the base name of a (possibly templated) struct or c...
- get_simplified_type_name_from_pointer - Fiddles out the base name of a (possibly templated) struct or c...
- get_sycl_group
- get_sycl_item
- get_target
- get_task_id
- get_task_label
- get_task_name
- get_thread_name
- get_transfer_id
- hash_combine
- id_cast
- id_max
- id_min
- instruction_dependency_style
- into_task
- invoke_kernel
- invoke_range_mapper
- invoke_range_mapper_for_kernel
- invoke_sycl_parallel_for
- is_embedded_hydration_id
- is_enabled - Tracy is enabled via environment variable, either in fast or fu...
- is_enabled_full - Tracy is enabled via environment variable, in full mode.
- is_hi_inside
- is_inside
- is_lo_inside
- is_topologically_sorted - Returns whether an iterator range of instruction pointers is to...
- isa
- kernel_debug_name
- layout_nd_copy - Computes the minimum number of complex strides required to desc...
- leak_name - Tracy requires thread and fiber names to be live for the durati...
- make_async_event - Shortcut to create an `async_event` using an `async_event_impl`...
- make_box
- make_buffer_debug_label - Print the buffer id as either 'B1' or 'B1 "name"' (if `name` is...
- make_collective_partition
- make_command_group_handler
- make_complete_event - Shortcut to create an `async_event(complete_event)`.
- make_filter_iterator
- make_graph_preamble
- make_group
- make_item
- make_nd_item
- make_partition
- make_reducer
- make_reduction
- make_region
- make_sycl_backend - Creates a SYCL backend instance of the specified type with the ...
- make_sycl_reduction
- make_task_debug_label
- make_transform_iterator
- merge_connected_boxes
- merge_connected_boxes
- merge_connected_boxes_along_dim
- merge_connected_boxes_recurse
- merge_connected_intervals
- merge_overlapping_bounding_boxes - Iteratively replaces each pair of overlapping boxes by their bo...
- message_id_to_mpi_tag
- mpi_rank_to_node_id
- nd_copy_device_async
- nd_copy_device_cuda
- nd_copy_device_generic
- nd_copy_host - From allocation `source_base` sized `source_range` starting at ...
- next_location - Starting from `first` (inclusive), selects the next memory_id w...
- node_id_to_mpi_rank
- normalize
- normalize_impl
- normalize_strided_pointer - Strides that only differ e.g. in their dim0 allocation size are...
- panic - Either throws or aborts with a message, depending on the global...
- pick_devices
- popcount
- print_buffer_label
- print_command_graph
- print_epoch_label
- print_instruction_graph
- print_task_debug_label
- print_task_graph
- range_cast
- range_max
- range_min
- reduction_impl
- region_cast
- region_difference
- region_intersection
- region_intersection_impl
- region_union
- replace_all - Replaces all occurrences of `pattern` in `in` with `with`. If `...
- report_error - Ignores, logs, or panics on an error depending on the `error_po...
- report_errors
- sanity_check_region_map - Check that the region map's tree structure is in a good state: ...
- select_backend
- set_buffer_name
- set_intersection
- set_panic_solution - Globally and atomically sets the behavior of `utils::panic()`.
- set_task_name
- set_thread_name
- sort_topologically - Topologically sort a command-set as returned from command_graph...
- split_1d
- split_2d
- split_into_communicator_compatible_boxes
- split_into_communicator_compatible_boxes_recurse - Helper for split_into_communicator_compatible_boxes().
- subrange_cast
- subscript
- symmetrically_split_overlapping_regions
- take - Like std::move, but move-constructs the result so it does not r...
- task_type_string
- throw_invalid_range_mapper_args
- throw_invalid_range_mapper_result
- tuple_without
- tuple_without_impl
- unreachable